Be quick to do it faster!
So you’re probably thinking about making coins in FIFA 23 and one of the best ways is to find the best sniping filters. Be aware that the best sniping filters may change overtime but there are some main filters that usually work great almost until the end of the season.

Sniping is the term used by people who goes to the market and try to buy players for less than their value and to be successful in that you must use good filters and be very quick clicking the buttons.
If you want some tips to make some coins at the start of this FIFA check our guide FIFA 23 TRADING TIPS.
What is a Good Filter?
A good filter will be one that you don’t have too much competition and where you can manage to buy a good quantity of sellable players.
Examples of Filters
Below you can find our FIFA 23 Best Sniping Filters.
#1 Filter – Brazilian/Premier
Search for Gold Rare Brazilian Premier League players, there will be a lot of competition but if you manage to buy some cards it will be guaranteed profit.
#2 Filter – Brazilian/Bundesliga-LaLiga-Ligue1
Search for Gold Rare Brazilian Bundesliga, LaLiga or Ligue1 players, because they are very good for chemistry even with the chemistry rebuilding.
#3 Filter – French/Premier
French players were the Meta of the last FIFA so expect the same this year, if you manage to buy some french players from the premier league it is guaranteed that you’ll profit.
#4 Filter – French/Bundesliga
There are French players in every single league so French players from the Bundesliga is a good way to get some high rated french players but cheaper than French Premier league players.
#5 Filter – High Rated Argetinian and Portuguese Players
Both nations have a lot of players playing in the big leagues, so find some players like Guedes or Alvarez to snipe because they will probably be fast but still at a good price.