Money, Money, Money!
FIFA 23 Web & Companion App are almost here and we have five FIFA 23 Trading tips just for you which is an awesome way to start trading and make some coins. Please be aware that there are a lot of trading methods and you just need to find the ones that suites you.
FIFA 23 Calendar
There’s already a calendar for September so if you want to be up to date check our guide FIFA 23 Calendar.
FIFA 23 Trading Tips
#1 Tip – Web App
So first things first, get in Web App as soon as possible, because there are a lot of coins to be made in the first hours. Some high rated cards will be inflated and you can sell them right way but there’s a catch. Only a few people will have enough coins to buy certain type of players but there’s also a lot of “whales” so try to sell those high rated players if you have that luck.
#2 Tip – Premium Gold Packs
This tip only works on the first few hours of the Web App launch and has a medium risk associated with it but if you want to try simply buy some Premium Gold Packs because people will buy players for SBC’s and for their team so it’s a good chance to make some extra coins.
#3 Tip – Bronze Packs Method
For those who are familiar with trading probably already heard about this. Bronze Pack Method is a low risk method and tbh probably the one that works best for us until December because you don’t need to spend much time to do it. It’s pretty simple, buy bronze packs, sell all players and quick sell the rest. Easy uh? So why does it work so well? First of all, there are a lot of bronze players needed for some specific SBC’s and since there’s not a lot of people buying bronze packs you will be able to sell some bronze cards for 5K easily. Buy all the bronze packs you can, fill your transfer list and set the bidding time for 1 hour, after that go to the companion or web app and restart them every hour and when you sell some cards just fill the transfer list with some new bronze cards from the pack.
#4 Tip – OTW
OTW is a medium risk investment because in the last “Fifas” OTW cards don’t usually increase that much since every week are different a new improved cards but if you have the chance you can always buy some “guaranteed” improved OTW cards like Haaland or Nunez.
#5 Tip – SBC
Not only do the first SBCs available but also study them, that’s right! See which cards you had struggle finding for completing SBCs and try to snipe them for profit!
This year will be very hard to snipe since the transfer market will work between all platforms so ofc there will be some new AutoBidding bots that will make it hard for some people to be able to snipe but nonetheless you can always try to do it with some Gold Cards. If you want to check the best filters to snipe check our guide FIFA 23 Best Sniping Filters.